Innovation Office together with project partners implements Erasmus+ KA2 project “Ideas into Action – Entrepreneurship for youth workers based on local economy needs”.
Project period: 01/04/2015 – 31/03/2017
Project objectives:
• For partners to learn from and with each other;
• To instill, foster & support a spirit of entrepreneurship in YP, through development of effective frameworks & training tools for young people and those who work with them;
• To empower young people – especially those at possible risk of exclusion from the labour market – with the skills & tools to relate to their own world & to contribute to the sustainable growth of the local economy.
The partnership consists of seven partners representing six countries: UK, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia & Netherlands.
The project activities consists of national ‘State of the Art’ research projects, amalgamated to form an international comparison report. Then using this the development of a training course framework for Youth Workers & Young People, with a module on how to localise its content to focus training on local economic needs. The training course will include technologies which appeal to YP, interaction with other partner groups, physically and virtually. Development and presentation of entrepreneurial ideas (individually or in small groups) to panels of experts and with remote Peer group evaluation. Two sets of training will pilot the course to Youth Workers, who will cascade to young people. A digital platform will be developed to host various activities. And a 2 day Intensive Training Session and Blended Training package will be delivered to 14 Youth workers or young people. As well as standard methods of dissemination, six multiplier events will take place, one held in each partner country.
Results and impact include 56 Youth workers trained and 280 young people cascaded to. 360 involved in online activities, The partners aim to engage at least ten local and regional organisations. Young people will be more empowered and skilled to establish commercial and social enterprises. A Web presence, online platform and downloadable intellectual outputs will all help to sustain the project in the long term.
If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact us by e-mail projects