A significant number of younger adults commonly referred to as NEETS – neither in education, employment nor training – on the margins of society and economy in all EU Member States. For most NEETS education has not had the desired impact where essential skills for employment are concerned. They don’t have sufficient qualifications for further education and many in their ranks come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Despite these educational impairments most of today’s NEET population are digital natives and have some level of proficiency in digital and social media. This digital know-how can be the bridge to re-engagement if the right educational intervention is provided.
The project partners built on a curriculum and methodology based on digital activities with popular technological devices – smartphones – to develop the target group’s diverse skills and attitudes necessary for personal growth and development.
Erasmus+ project „Supporting Digital Native NEETs Back to Mainstream Education, Training and Employment“ (NEET IDEA) focuses on the use of these devices by target group members to produce digital media content which many of them upload and share on a variety of specialist social media platforms. NEET IDEA partners use a training programme to train the NEET target group to make short films using only their smartphones for producing and editing the content created. The training is focused on building small media production crews/teams of 4 or 5 individuals and assigning different roles in the short-film production, editing and marketing actions required. This allows partners to address the following skills or attitudes:
- research skills to be developed in conceptualising the theme or idea for the short film
- literacy to be addressed through the writing of a short script for the film
- numeracy to be addressed by the requirement of every team to produce a budget for the film
- a wide range of digital skills to be addressed in the production and editing of the films
- teamwork skills, which are central to the success of the production process
- interpersonal skills to be developed through the engagement of others in interviews, etc.
- planning skills to be developed by ensuring that all the correct permissions and consents are in place before filming commences
NEET IDEA is primarily a project about developing specific key transversal skills; building self-confidence; taking responsibility; working in a team environment; being respected and respecting others, all key skills for inclusion. This is the way to achieve the inclusion and up-skilling of NEETS that partners are proposing.
Project website: www.neet-idea.eu
Follow the project news on Facebook page NEET IDEA!
If you have any questions regarding the project, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by email projects@inovacijubiuras.lt