Themes of the training course:
Cooperative learning techniques can imporve transversal skills, emotional quotient, and social skills, emotional quotient, and social skills of young people with fewer opportunities through youth work activities. By youth work activities our aim is to develop the interpersonal competences of our target groups according to their needs, so having main focus on listening, respect different opinions, leadership, problem solving, conflict solving, help to each others, critical thinking, creative thinking, etc. Besides theses transversal skills, it is essential to develop and improve their EQ with speial focus on self-esteem, self-control, self-motivation, empathy, partnership. Young people with fewer opportunities need to be supported to feel important, to make self – assessment, to get positive messages, to recognise their own values and experience to be important part of the community. During cooperative learning, they can experience and recognise how good to be a member of a diverse group, taking responsibility for each others, supporting each others, enjoying a group work, developing communication skills, to be creative, to be motivated, etc.
Learning objectives of the training course are:
- To get acquainted with Europe 2020 Strategy and its priorities regarding to employment, innovation, education, poverty reduction and climate/ energy.
- To understand the meaning of Cooperative Learning
- To share different ways of motivation of young people with fewer opportunities
- To explore techniques and structures of cooperative learning especially on group types, group processing, cooperative exercises and techniques.
- To be able to prepare, run and evaluate yuth work workshops based on the needs of young people with fewer opportunities on social skills, communication skills, decision making skills, information skills, critical thinking, creative thinking, emotional inteligence, etc.
- To invent international youth projects according to the proposals of Erasmus+ programme.
If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact us by e-mail projects