The main themes of this training course are conflict, conflict resolution and conflict management learning for youth workers, youth leaders who work with diverse cultural groups, marginalized young people, young refugees and migrants, young minorities, etc.
Throughout the project, beside conflict resolution techniques and methods, exercises and skill-building activities, there will be a strong multicultural sense and atmosphere. In a perspective of the Erasmus+ program, we believe that the next thematic questions are present in this project:
- post-conflict resolution and reconstruction;
- fight against racism and xenophobia;
- inter-ethnic and inter-religious dialogue.
In the perspective of knowledge, learning objectives are:
- to define what inter-ethnic conflict is, how it happens and what are its causes;
- to recognize stereotypes and prejudices, recall and list them;
- to summarize and interpret roles and conflict styles and conflict management in inter-ethnic conflicts;
- to identify and later contrast personal behavior regard to stereotypes, prejudices, feeling of empathy, tolerance and solidarity;
- to solve communication barriers in conflicting situations and to demonstrate an effective way of communicating that resolves conflict;
- to explain differences between different countries, traditions and habits, concerning inter-ethnic conflict situations;
- to paraphrase effective communication when giving feedback and use decision-making in the actual group work;
- to produce and later use research materials;
- to interpret, analyze and describe-and later produce a project proposal based on the comprehension of the research;
- to state and later describe human rights in inter-ethnic conflicts;
- to apply the knowledge of the inter-ethnic conflict in simulation or role-play and other similar activities;
- to relate theory to simulations and role-plays;
- to compare different conflict types in different given situations.
The training course will be really practical, which means participants will put their gained competencies into practice already during the project and the training course itself. The experienced trainers’ team will prepare the program flow based on the needs and expectations of the partner organizations and their participants. The training contributes to the development of the organizational and communicational skills of each group member in a specific group work environment.