Erasmus+ project “Diversity & Inclusion: Building Strengths Together (DIVE-IN)” is delivered by 5 partner organisations from 3 countries – Lithuania, Latvia and Hungary.
As European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027 highlights, 1/3 young people in Europe are at risk of poverty and social exclusion. So, the project seeks to find youth STRENGTHS and to enable and ensure the INCLUSION of all young people in society. DIVE-IN project focuses on:
1) to strengthen the capacities of educators to work with youth having fewer opportunities;
2) to ensure that all young people have equal access to formal and non-formal learning environments, addressing all the dimensions of inclusion;
3) to provide more spaces, opportunities, resources and programmes to foster dialogue and social cohesion, and combat discrimination and segregation.
The project lasts 19 months and during the period we are planning to share good practices in the field of youth. All partner organisations are looking for better approaches and methods to use in daily work that will help to support young people in their life and career choices, and motivate them to work hard and independently. Participating organisations have very similar mission and approach, but they are acting in different environment and reality. They are facing problems which have the same roots, when examining them in depth (bad career orientation, learning difficulties, fewer opportunities because of social, economic background).
The main aim of the project is to develop the knowledge and skills, the set of tools and methods used by youth workers/people working with young people. Thanks to this development daily youth work will impact positively and reach young people in the local community and will develop deeper inclusive attitude finding their strengths.