The obesity is one of the serious problem of today’s world. To ovecome this problem many researches are done. This desease is seen especially among young and adult people. With our Project “Eat To Live To Eat” we are intending to create awareness among young people on healthy diet and doing sports. We will try to take the attention of people to this common problem. The project is going to be implemented in Aksaray city in Turkey. The activities of the Project will be between 08-15 February 2016. The activity is a training course for 7 days. The language of the project will be English . The participants will be trained and informed, also the obesity will be discussed by young participants. With this training we are aiming to create awareness how tos tay fit and healthy, find out how young people are effected and how they can keep out this problem. The participants will be trained and informed, also the obesity will be discussed be young participants. With this training we are aiming to create awareness how tos tay fit and healthy, find out how young people are effected and how they can keep out problem . The participants will exchange their knowledge and experiences with each other about obesity. Non- formal education techniques will be mostly used in this training.
The objectives of the programme is:
With this training course, we would like to
- Sensible for and develop a common understanding of the concept and meaning of healthy life.
- Exchange experience and good practices regarding programmes, methods, approaches and projects promoting healthy life in youth work.
- Create new friendship and partnership for the future with the partner institucions and their participants
- Identify interests, needs and support for the implementation of health promotion in youth work and for future European activities
- Find out the effective ways to quit eating unheathy diet.
- Develop the knowledge about intercultura Learning.
- Develop knowledge about non formal educaton and Youth in Action as tool to acquire new comptences and abilities.
- Reinforce the European cooperation in international youth work.
27 youth workers are coming frm 6 countries (Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, Estonia and Lithuania).
If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact us by e-mail