As we can see in todays everyday life young people experience a lot of cases where human rights are violated or where third part making decisions about somebody way of life and about somebody human rights. The way of putting down importance of protection of human rights in todays world is constantly radicalisation of young people which are not informed enough, not officially educated about human rights and which don’t understand human rights on personal level. If we put that kind of young people in shoes of somebody who is minority or whose human rights are violated we will get totally opposite attitude than the attitude which that person had before. Also, if we use non-formal education as a tool for human rights education based on sharing experience and getting experience through learning by doing process then we will get young people which feel more empathy and which think more about human rights of all citizens, regardless on all differences. The results of radicalisation of young people and support of discrimination we can see in our close past on case of Brexit, on case of president elections in USA, on case of refugees crisis, situation in South-East European countries, law changes in Poland, Istanbul convention and many other cases which didn’t get much attention in media and which happened every day in our local communities. One of the very often problems is that young people don’t recognise cases of violation of human rights because they actually don’t know what are the human rights. The second problem is that in many situations young people are afraid to react because they don’t know how to react and what can be consequences after their reaction. The third thing is that young people who react on violations of human rights become those one who’s rights are violated after that because they don’t behave any more like the most of the people from their age group. From economic crisis in 2008 accent on protection of human rights fall down immediately because decision makers gave more attention to decisions related to economy and stop to track situation related with the protection of human rights. At the same time citizens influenced by impact of media also stop to pay attention about human rights and that is the moment in which NGOs started to work more on protection and promotion of human rights and on reminding citizens that we also have that kind of issues, not only economical questions but also questions of humanity. Because all this reasons we want through projects like this one encourage young people to be involved in active citizenship, to work on promotion of human rights and protection of human rights in order to create society which will be equal for all people and which will give to all citizens regardless on all differences between us. Europe is always presented like the community which respect human rights but we can see examples of their violations every day and that is why we prepare this project with which we want to contribute in making Europe with 3 Equality, equal rights, equal opportunities, equal values. The large number of youth don’t realise that human rights is something that every human have right to have and to be protected by institutions, but also by society and citizens, especially in rural communities. Since one of the main objective of the European strategy for youth (2010.-2018.) is to promote equal opportunities and conditions for active citizenship, we must first introduce youth to the main requirements to be achieved in order to work to achieve these goals. Through discussions, workshops, debates, meetings, actions, participants will learn from each other what are the human rights, how to promote importance of human rights and why human rights protection is important prerequisite for the creation of Europe that will have equal opportunities for all citizens without any stereotypes regarding on differences. Also participants will learn from each other about the ways in which they can take role in active citizenship and how to encourage other young people to get involved in active citizenship and have direct impact on creation of better community and society.
Objectives of project:
-raise awareness about importance of protection of human rights and understanding of human rights as fundamental European value
-promote human rights and active citizenship as tool to actively participate in democratic life
-improvement of key competences of young people in order to be actively involved in activities of youth organisations and make impact on changes of modern society, especially those with fewer opportunities
-support intercultural learning and dialogue and provide to young people opportunities for learning mobility opportunities based on international cooperation and multicultural learning
-promotion of Erasmus+ program, objectives and goals – increase the confidence of young people to be more active as active citizens
If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact us by e-mail projects