This project was initiated according to the current and possible future situation regarding refugee flows from the Middle East and Africa countries to Europe countries. Currently, Baltic countries; Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have not big experience in this area, because just at the start of the year 2016 only the first families of refugees were accumulated to our society. As the refugee flow, that started unexpectedly with Syrian war, was unpredictable and massive, all other Europe is currently suffering from the inability to integrate the people to local cultures. In other words, they were not ready for such changes and historical turns in such short time. We do not need to make the same mistakes and with the help of this project we can be more ready for future challenges. This Project has one main aim and some under-aims. The main aim is: with the planned set of events to gain and reach the required level of knowledge, experience in used tools and procedure, that will be required for smooth integration of refugees in local societies. Other under-aims are 1) To get knowledge of cultural differences of Islamic and Christian societies: like language, dressing, food, ethical etc. This aim will be reached by studying the available and received information during Croatian visit; 2) Annalise currently locally used methodologies of integration of refugees and compare them to each other. This aim will be reached by visiting each in project involved country Refugee centers and recording the situation. After visit it is planned to compare the established social systems and nominate future steps for system improvements; 3) Establish and enlarge the network of country town representatives who can share their or other person gained experience in the field of refugees integration. This aim will be reached by creating informal communication network with all current project participants. We plan this network will be enlarged in future by other representatives too.
If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact us by e-mail projects