The “Hear the technology” is a project connecting non-disabled young people with deaf youth. The project aims are to work together, to create new board, computer, card games, on the topic of integration, tolerance, and acceptance, to discover and promote new tools, which could be used for education and to promote innovative methods of integration and learning. The young people participating in the project are young people aged 16-22. In each group, there will be leaders and sign language interpreters, a total of two people per country.
The main result of the project will be the integration games tournament. It will be an event promoting the project and new integration methods. Unique board, computer and card games will be created, which will have an educational dimension, dealing with deaf problems, and will also support integration. Besides, a brochure summarizing the project, video and Facebook page will be created. Thanks to the project, young people will discover new tools, develop several competencies, and become more open to integration. A positive impact will also be exerted on local, regional and European environments, where the promoted values will contribute to building a society free from the exclusion of people with disabilities, focused on integration with the disabled.
Project results
- A short and fun lesson in sign language;
- An official project brochure has been created and can be found here:
- Official project video report;
- Unique board games created by the project participants to promote the integration and tolerance of the deaf in society:
- Photo report from the project summary with participants: